Non-Discrimination Activities
What is the Children’s Rights Activities Database?
The purpose of the database is to provide Canadian teachers with tools for facilitating experiential activities in their classroom and community in an effort to enhance the dialogue of inclusion in Canadian classrooms by putting children and youth front and centre in this conversation. The collaborative database is comprised of activities designed by a wide variety of non-profit organizations who are all committed to supporting children’s rights in Canada and worldwide.
To capture the comprehensive nature of inclusion in Canadian classrooms and communities, these activities within the database are organized into categories including:
Disabilities; Gender; Aboriginal Worldview; Empathy; Sexual Orientation; Conflict; and Culture. These activities were designed in collaboration with play-based learning methodology and teachers and community members who directly work with children and youth, to ensure that the widest range of children and youth are engaged in these conversations, and include opportunities for active play, discussion, arts-based programming and personal reflection.
How do I use the database, and what’s included in it?
In an effort to decrease our ecological footprint, the database is available online in an easily navigable format – this allows facilitators to search via grade level and then by category to ensure activities are developmentally-appropriate and in line with their classroom conversations.
Access the full activities database here.
Access some games, created by Right to Play here:

C.R.E.W. Postcard Activity!
CREW wants to know what Canadian children and youth have learned this year about their right to non-discrimination, so we have prepared a postcard for you to share with your group or your classroom. We are hoping that you will share the results of this activity with us via email or social media!
The activity is simple:
After completing one of the activities from the CREW non-discrimination database, hand the postcards out to your group
Ask each person completing a postcard what they think of when they read the phrase, “When children and youth are all different, all equal...”
Let them know that they have the right to express themselves however they choose, so they can put their thoughts in the blank space by drawing a picture, writing them out, or taking a photograph and sticking it on there!
When everyone is finished, collect their postcards and take pictures of them! You can post them on our Facebook (#C.R.E.W.), or email them to us
Take a look at the full activity description here.