Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
On June 15, 2023 the Legislative Assembly adopted Motion 50 as amended, which states:
That the Legislative Assembly urge the government to request that the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate conduct a full consultation with relevant stakeholders on any changes to Policy 713 and the impact of such changes and make public the results of all such consultations by August 15, 2023.
The Advocate’s
Consultation Process
The Advocate has accepted this mandate from the elected representatives. As per the terms of reference, the review will consider the three areas in which the Department has focused its review and proposed changes:
The process by which children may self-identify or explore their gender identity and/or sexual orientation and the supports and inclusive services schools should offer consistent with their rights and best interests.
The availability of washroom and changing facilities and other private spaces to all students in conformity with their gender identity and consistent with the rights of all students to reasonable privacy, dignity, and equality.
The regulation of extracurricular and co-curricular activities in a manner which respects children’s rights of equality and participation and the legitimate public interest in fair competition and a broad range of activities.
Areas of Consultation
In addition, the review will consider the following issues, given the broadly-expressed interest of Members in the policy goals:
The processes for informing and involving parents consistent with established rights, duties of educators, and the best interests of children.
The conformity of policy 713 with established human rights law as expressed in federal and provincial human rights codes, constitutional principles under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international treaties to which Canada is a signatory.
The quality of services and supports to LGBTQI2S+ students and improvements to the inclusion and experience of LGBTQI2S+ in the broader school community.
The full terms of reference can be seen here.
The Advocate is inviting written submissions from the public.
Please share your thoughts in the form provided below.
If you are a student, parent or educator currently within the New Brunswick school system, please tell us that and tell us in which school district you are located.
Otherwise, please tell us which New Brunswick community you live in.
Some submissions may be selected for follow-up interviews. If you are willing to be contacted, please provide us with your phone number and email address.
Thank you for your interest in this consultation.